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Flow Country

Altnabreac Wind Farm is located in an area of actively managed commercial forest within Caithness. The proposed wind farm and battery lie wholly outwith the Flow Country World Heritage Site.

We at Altnabreac Wind Farm appreciate the importance of the Flow Country that surrounds the project and agree these areas should be protected and enhanced wherever possible. With the addition of a wind farm and battery storage within the forest, there will be a minimal loss of trees to facilitate the turbine and battery infrastructure however, there will be an opportunity to return more areas of forest to its native bog habitat through the projects habitat management plan. This will have a direct positive impact to the Flow Country increasing the area of good quality peatland in the wider area.

As the Flow Country is protected for the universal outstanding value of the peatland, we propose that the wind farm would ensure this is protected and preserved through the careful development of the project. This is in line with National Planning Framework 4 by which this application will be measured against in its determination by the Scottish Ministers.

We will work with the Flow Country Partnership, The Highland Council, SEPA and NatureScot, as well as all other relevant consultees, to agree suitable locations for the infrastructure and agree the habitat management plan through the statutory planning process.